Kender Standards

Kender School Panorama View

How we perform

Kender School Art Image - click image for larger versionChildren making expected progress KS1 To KS2

Children achieving Level 4+

Kender School Art Image - click image for larger versionOfsted 2011:

“This is a good school…making impressive improvements.”

“Staff know the pupils well and establish good relationships with them. There are clear policies and procedures to promote good behaviour underpinned by the school's core values.

The school’s accurate tracking data shows that no group of children is underachieving. Children show considerable respect for the different backgrounds and cultures within the school.

Rapidly rising achievement in English and Mathematics is helping to ensure that children are satisfactorily prepared for their future economic wellbeing.”


“Your school is led well by staff who are passionate about your achievement.”

You can see all our Ofsted inspection reports on the Ofsted site. Here are some quotes from earlier reports:

Ofsted 2010 (design technology survey):

“A good range of enrichment activities ensures D&T plays an important part in the school’s drive to make the curriculum more creative.”

Ofsted 2008:

“Kender is a good, improving school…with…a caring ethos that permeates all aspects of school life, pupils are valued and cherished as individuals. Consequently, they flourish and are keen to do well.”

“One parental comment is typical of many, ‘this is a very community focused school. Every child and their family is treated and cared for with respect’.”

Ofsted Report 2004:

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